In the Web2.0-era there are some DJs who wish to be able to "publish" their playlists live. I got somewhat inspired by Richie Hawthin's Twitter DJ - as well as Alexander Zigelski's Traktor Scrobbler. Both of which are fine programs and no mistake...
It just escapes me that both of those programs require Icecast to do their magic... Because of this, I decided to write a tool of my own. It took me a couple of hours to fix the thing together since I haven't actually coded anything in Delphi for quite a long while and I had to learn actually the basics of IceCast-protocol as well as some details of OGG-format's tagging to make this thing work.
The current implementation might still contain some bugs, so use it at your own risk. I've taken every possible precaution, but I refuse to take responsibility if this application makes your computer become sentient and start a war on humanity.
What about the future? New features, perhaps?
Currently the application does pretty much everything I originally wanted it to do. Of course, in case I do bring up new versions of the application, the users are the first to know (since the application checks online for new versions when started). So - who knows? Maybe I will extend the features further... Of course, with all the "busyness" (not "business", mind You, i.e. "being busy with a million things"), I wouldn't be holding my breath - it might take a while.
Bug reports, questions, ideas:
In case you do find bugs, have questions or ideas you would like to share, just throw me a few lines at ... and do subscribe to my twitter feed:) (granted, I don't have too many gigs where I have network access, but every now and then I might just "go live") ... or you could check out my fan page in facebook - of course, currently not too much is going on in there either. :D