This page was last updated on February 14th, 2024.


The nutty author

All of these free applications available on this site were created by Markku Post-Uttula, a nuthead that spends way too much time with computers, working, or working with computers (and way too little time doing anything useful) - if you know what I mean.

Most of the applications available here were created - rather literally - decades ago, quite often to solve a specific issue at the time. There is zero expectation that any of them works on modern hardware or even runs under a modern operating system. This website exists purely for vanity purposes as a historical showcase of things long gone.

With that in mind…

Ongoing projects

Traktor Metadata Listener

Application version:
0.5 (released November 30th, 2018)
Page modified:
August 2nd, 2021

A small tool to get metadata (artist and song names) from Traktor live.

Discontinued projects


Application version: (released April 13th, 2001)
Page modified:
August 1st, 2021

MP-3000F was intended to become the best computer mixing system for MP3-audio (why settle for being nothing but the best, right?) but unfortunately we no longer have the time to continue the project. Too little time and too much to do, you know :-(

It was definetly fun while it lasted, but at the moment there are so many better software packages available that I think continuing this project would be simply a great waste of time.

If the development at some later date would continue, the registered users would be in a priorized position to receive the updates before anyone else. A great thank you to all registered users. Your support helped me continue it this far.

Y.A.B.B.A. the Hub

Application version:
0.9.72 (released February 26th, 2003)
Page modified:
August 1st, 2021

Everybody who has used the original Direct Connect hub software to run "a community based P2P-network hub" knows how frustrating that can be - setting up all the scripts etc.

Y.A.B.B.A. the Hub is designed to overcome many obstacles on the way of running your own hub. Worth checking out, people.

Outlook Express Backup Tool

Application version:
1.0 (released February 5th, 2004)
Page modified:
April 9th, 2014

A small utility for backing up messages from Outlook Express's *.DBX-files.


Application version:
2.35 (released October 5th, 2004)
Page modified:
April 9th, 2014

Personal spam filtering software for POP3 mailboxes.

Traktor Pseudo Timecode Synthesizer

Application version:
0.2 (released February 7th, 2010)
Page modified:
April 9th, 2014

A small application to simulate Traktor's timecode control signal.

Schema Data Duplicator for Oracle

Application version:
0.2 (released January 26th, 2006)
Page modified:
April 9th, 2014

A tool for Oracle DBAs for copying data between schemas easily.

Open Source

Example 001

Application version:
N/A (released July 1st, 2004)
Page modified:
August 10th, 2008

Very basic example of handling multipart email-messages with Delphi using Synapse-classes.

Example 002

Application version:
N/A (released January 28th, 2005)
Page modified:
August 10th, 2008

A small example of accessing a POP3 mailbox with PHP.

Example 003

Application version:
N/A (released April 12th, 2006)
Page modified:
August 10th, 2008

Logging JavaScript errors in webserver's log using Ajax (and PHP).

Example 004

Application version:
N/A (released May 30th, 2006)
Page modified:
August 10th, 2008

Reading ID3-tag (v1) from MP3-file using PHP-class.

Example 005

Application version:
N/A (released July 18th, 2007)
Page modified:
August 10th, 2008

Simulating Microsoft Office Excel's Freeze Panes-functionality on a browser.

Internal projects (Non-free)

Dvalin (a.k.a. "The Blacksmith" / "Seppä")

Application version:
N/A (released N/A)
Page modified:

A standalone application for creating Microsoft Office Excel (*.XLS) and Adobe Portable Document Format (*.PDF) -documents from data stored in an Oracle Database. This is an internal project. This application is not available for download.

Hermod Mail Server

Application version:
N/A (released N/A)
Page modified:

A mail server with built-in learning bayesian spam filtering. This was an internal project that was originally (since the late 1990's) developed hand-in-hand with the PSFPOP3-application. This application is not available for download.